Marga accompanies Dora the art from the cradle. His mother, Margaret Morris, is a renowned painter of impressionist paintings evoke Turner, and his father, Ignacio Dora, is an architect of the sea lover in his paintings reflect his passion for sailing. Dora Marga Haruno comenzplasmando ten years his favorite animals to travs brush. Then atrevicon daily basis. Vala then everything from shoes to a stapler. But all these objects come to life in your hands, do not know if the color that pervades his work or by a touch child acquires what he portrays. Over the years Margaret has given Dora pictorial maturity. His paintings show his particular way of seeing the historical characters that most admires for their idealism and social burden of reporting, such as Mother Teresa, Malcolm X, Gandhi Cho. Another facet that reflect their recent paintings is a passion for styling, the decoration and the most current trends. All his work has, however, a nexus of union: the great ability to mix colors without modesty, a combination that conveys optimism and makes us outline, almost inadvertently, a smile as he admired any of his paintings. Dora Margaret has a degree in the Masters in International Relations COMMUNICATION AND.